Rethink, Refresh, and Actualize Your Superpowers!

Rethink, Refresh, and Actualize Your Superpowers!

2020 was a long, hard year—especially for women

It has been a year since we all started using the words “covid,” “pandemic,” and “zoom” as often as the word “hello.”  Who would have thought that we would still be in this stressful space a year later?  Want something different? How  about a course on supercharging your post-pandemic life?  Women have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.  I got together with other experts to do a short-course to help women with nutrition, exercise and being on top of their game.

The fact that COVID-19 is worse today than a year ago seems both impossible and never-ending at the same time.  It has impacted every aspect of our lives and the pandemic been especially hard on women.  

Many women have lost their jobs. In fact, in December 2020, the National Women’s Law Center stated women accounted for 100% of all jobs lost that month

For women, the burden has been twofold. As the UN has noted, women have been disproportionately impacted around the world. They are more likely to have lost their jobs or to have felt that they had to quit or cut back on their work to provide childcare, teaching, and running the household. 

According to CDC, women’s health has suffered as a result, as anxiety, stress, and depression have taken hold with the unmanageable burdens of taking care of everyone, working a job, and trying to keep things in order on all fronts. The stress of the pandemic and fear of a family member getting sick is enough stress alone. Add on everything we are expected to do with the house, kids, partners, our job—and where is the time to focus on our own health and mental health?

Telework, endless Zoom calls, and the birth of the female entrepreneur

For those of us lucky enough to be teleworking, work-life balance is a thing of the past.  It is just so easy to stay logged on, log on earlier, not get up for lunch, or not go anywhere.  Without a gym class or a running partner, we can easily skip exercise or cut it short. It’s hard to compete with peers that don’t have the same family obligations and are not trying to be teacher, mentor, and household peacemaker in addition to one’s job. 

The stresses and changes of the pandemic have led some women to start their own businesses—some out of a desire to create their own schedules and some out of pure necessity. 

In a recent Washington Post article entitled, “Female Entrepreneurs Seek a New Path on the Pandemic,” entrepreneur Talia Friedman hit the nail on the head when she said, “It became incredibly clear that the balance in the bank wasn’t the balance at home.”  The reality is, even those of us with “modern,” “supportive” relationships with decent gender equality are stuck doing a majority of the homework. 

Balance is meaningless when your kid needs help with their online classroom and their teeth brushed and you are the only one to do it whether you are working right then or not. As a result, female entrepreneurship has grown in the pandemic for those women who have the opportunity to do it. 

We need more funding for female entrepreneurs so that all women who want to put their creative side to use can do so! We also need to help each other out as women.  And we need more support!

What are your dreams?

What are you dreaming of for 2021 and beyond?  Whether it is a new business, a better situation in your current job, or re-envisioning your relationship, how has the pandemic given you time to reassess what you want to be different in your life?  

Do you want to feel healthier, but not sure where to start?  Know you need a plan and a little coaching to get your life in order, but don’t have any support? Want to better identify what is stopping you from moving forward? 

In March, I will be one of three experts offering terrific guidance in a three-part course titled Actualize Your Superpowers! 

The purpose of the course is to help all of you who want to use this pandemic time to reimagine your future, re-think your lives, and re-invent yourselves. 

Changing direction requires re-evaluation and taking care of you.  Wherever you are in your life process—a woman seeking better wellness, a woman seeking to conceive, a pregnant mom or a mom, or a woman searching for more answers, or even better questions—all are welcome! 

The Actualize your Superpowers! course is taught by executive coach Anne Collier, women’s physical therapist Melissa Olson, and myself. Your commitment? 2 hours a week from 4 to 6 pm EST—a total of just six hours in the month of March. The cost is about $30 an hour for a total of $197—totally doable. 

What will I get from the course?

The interactive course helps you cover all the bases: what you need to know about the why nutrition, exercise, and building your inner confidence to actualize your best self. 

You’ll connect with experts and like-minded women, and take away a guide to help you be ready post-pandemic to transform the life you have now into the life you dream of. 

The program helps you: 

  • Tap into your Superpower Confidence when you need it most;

  • Feel better through eating habits that work for you; and

  • Maximize your mobility, so you feel great, flexible, and active.

*Want to get a jump on the program? Take the FREE Short Version Actualized Leader Profile (ALP) now!   

Recharge your Superpower Confidence! 

The last year has shaken our confidence. The levels of unprecedented unpredictability, instability, and ambiguity have uniquely stressed us—more a giant paradigm shift than the normal vagaries of life. 

As the “new normal” evolves, some of us feel out of our depth. We question whether the ground we’re standing on is solid as we endeavor to ensure that everyone’s needs are being met, deal with others’ stresses, and attempt to lead with aplomb. While this is hard, it’s not the time to work harder. It’s time to develop new confidence in ourselves as a superpower!  

In this program you’ll learn:

  • What your Actualized Leader Profile (ALP)* means for your strengths, resilience, and confidence;

  • How to recognize when your fears are driving your thinking (called “being in the ‘shadow”) so that you are clear to restore confidence; and

  • How to recognize others’ shadow thinking and behaviors—empowering you to deal with stress with equanimity, efficacy, and confidence.

Recharge your Health Superpower!

When it comes to your health, are you feeling sluggish? Tired?  Know you should be eating differently, but not sure where to start?  

Eating to your body type, your nutrient needs, and your lifestyle can supercharge your health superpowers! 

Feel fabulous with good nutrition.  Learn about why the latest diet trend may not be right for you and why you should throw the word “diet” out anyway; what tests can be done to help you learn about your nutrient needs and your body type; and how to get started right now. Food is your fuel and there is more to nutrition than just “eating well.” Want to feel better post-pandemic? Start with nourishing your body—and feeling better— now. 

In this program you’ll learn:

  • What you really need to know about nutrition (hint: it has nothing to do with calories);

  • Why biochemical individuality—your unique body type—dictates what you need to eat to feel your very best and testing that can identify your unique needs; and

  • Steps to healthy eating for a more vibrant, energized you starting now

Release your Movement Superpower

Ditch your aches and pains and learn how to move better! Stop being held back by limitations and learn how to REWIRE your body. If you are frustrated and think you have tried it all, think again!  Learn small changes that will have a massive impact on your movements and performance. 

Come learn how your posture and breathing play a vital role in how your core works. I promise this is more than “pull your shoulders down and sit tall.” Making specific changes with your breath, alignment, and muscle activation will have a meaningful impact on how you feel and what you can do. Enjoy the activities you LOVE! 

In this program you’ll learn:

  • Mindful Movement, alignment and proper breathing to help with stress, tension, aches, and pains;

  • What you need to know about your core (hint: it’s way more than just your abs);

  • How to become a Movement Maven!

Why will I LOVE the results?

  • You’ll get traction on YOUR goals in every session 

  • You’ll  create new habits in these 21 days

  • You’ll become part of a community of fun and support 

  • You’ll celebrate your successes as you meet your milestones  

Join us! Invest in your hopes, dreams, and a future that is yours to create.

Would you like to talk?
Schedule a free 15-minute call.

Annina is a PhD, Registered Dietitian, Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and Board Certified in Functional Medicine specializing in nutrition and functional medicine for fertility, pregnancy and new mom and baby. She has 7 years of practice experience and has co-authored several books on infant, child nutrition and obesity prevention.


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